Friday, February 7, 2014

Butterfly Effect

When I think of my strengths as a holistic health professional, I am instantly reminded of my unique ability to inspire others.  I have the ability to see others in the highest light and have the ability to interpret that which I feel about them to be true.  Most often, people are amazed that I have considered them to be unique and amazing.  Other times, it is my simple words of encouragement and wise reminders that help my clients and readers to feel affirmed in what they know to be true about themselves.

Flower Within
When I convey my ideas, I am rather blunt but have a softness to my approach that leaves the listener wanting more.  There is usually a deep pause, a reflective look on his/her face and a subtle smile and nod as if the listener is imagining a beautiful horizon in his/her mind.  I take this contemplative reflection as a complement to my courage to speak the truth.  And whether the receiver takes to this suggestion and applies it to his/her life matters not to me because I know it is like a seed that has been tossed into fertile soil.  The outcome will eventually always be the same-a return of consciousness to the all encompassing energy of unity consciousness of the universal energy of All That Is.  I don’t have to wait around to see the results but rather only need to know and believe that the seed will take root and grow.

Multifaceted Human
As a Reiki Master and Life Coach, I am obligated to hold myself to a higher standard than I ever have; a standard of humility, graciousness and wisdom.  I strive for this because I know I must walk my talk.  Even when my humanness slips into my reality, I know that it must be something that I need to learn from and look at.  Being a teacher in a world full of students reminds me that I am the student as well because nobody in this plane will ever master all there is to master but only one aspect of the multifaceted crystal of human consciousness.  We can all master who we really are.

And so my purpose in this life is to master who I really am and to help remind others how to master who they are too.  This is not magic.  I’m not perfect or any more special than another but the fact that I realize this is what makes me special in my practice.  What I say when a client thanks me for what I have done in a session is, “Thank you and thank you for doing your work,” because I know that I have only facilitated the awesomeness within another so that they too will know who they really are.

Butterfly Effect
What inspires me in life is knowing that every little difference I make makes a difference.  The world is a better place and I am a part of helping make that happen.  To spread my wings and fly takes on a whole new meaning when I am able to touch the lives of people that I will never meet.

DNA Can Be Changed By Voice

What if the entire world could be changed with the uttering of one word?  It can!
Celestial DNA

Russian researchers have found that our DNA can be changed by using the voice alone.  Specifically it is the frequency of a certain vibration that can change the expression of our genes.  This is scientific proof of the efficacy of affirmations and positive thoughts.  The Russian biophysicist and his colleagues used laser rays with specific frequency patterns to test the other 90% of our DNA that does not get used by our body.

Apparently, the researchers found that our DNA has the same basic structure as our human language and would explain why our DNA reacts to the frequency of spoken language.  It is widely known that we only use about 10% of our DNA.  What if we could activate parts of the other 90% to become super human, more connected, healthy and can communicate telepathically.

The DNA in our body reacts to certain frequencies and the chromosomes in our body can actually be repaired with this method which is unlike the western methods of splicing and inserting portions of DNA strands which is much more risky and not harmonious with the organism.  The researchers instead capture information patterns from certain DNA sequences and have successfully transformed from embryos to salamander embryos by using this method of DNA transmission.

The frequencies must be specific and exact in order to elicit a response but this is great news for the holistic health community because there is some method to the madness of mantras and affirmations.  It would seem that the frequencies of words are affected by our underlying beliefs and intentions thus altering the pattern of vibration and either positively or negatively affecting our genome.  Disease no longer has to be hereditary or incurable if we begin to understand the importance of our thoughts and words and how they apply to our health especially at the level of our DNA.