Friday, January 24, 2014

Farewell My Old Friend

The creative handheld device is clever in the way it is used.  It doesn't know that it holds volumes in information, technological advancement and human perseverance.  It is the best in portability, compatibility and in ability.  What is it that can be carried with ease, bring with it all the pleasures of simple tasks like research, scheduling, bird watching and more? Well, it is none other than the Samsung Galaxy 2.0 Tablet in white.

It lives with others of its kind, but it knows how far superior it is compared to that drab, clunky beast that sits in the corner stationary, sluggish and sad.  And to it, the tablet thinks, “Get up, rise up and be free old man!” But the tablet knows nothing of cords, connectors, modems and mice.  Its youth has it wrapped up in the splendor of freedom with the ignorance of a type writer, ever advancing towards a never ending goal which will never be in sight.  Yes, it is bliss this ignorance of attachments and age which will grace this young tablet’s presence some day.  For a moment, now in its prime, the tablet knows that compared to that old Sony desktop, it is the cream of the crop. But there is a hint of sorrow with this arrogance for it knows that it cannot stay young forever.  It has pity for the Sony without regret because it is living in the moment, cloaking any tiny morsel of an idea of its mortality.  “Live young, be free,” it shouts to me as I humbly plug it in.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Kristen has been a Reiki practitioner for 7 years and has recently received her Master Reiki attunement. She is currently attending Southwest Institute of Healing Arts and has learned the necessary tools to be a life coach.

She has discovered that she has a great gift of intuition and the ability to help others see her or his true being as well as the tools to change that which does not serve his or her true self. Through Reiki healing energy, intuition, clarifying life coaching questions and holistic nutrition education, Kristen can guide willing clients to their true potential.

Currently, she is taking clients at her practice, Tree of Wellbeing, in Ashland, Oregon. She will be holding workshops called 'How to Re-Mind Yourself' which will apply the principals of self actualization and manifestation of your heart's desire.  

She has an Associate of Arts from Front Range Community College; will have a Diploma in Holistic Wellness and plans to attend Southern Oregon University majoring in music to complete her Bachelor’s Degree with the intention of learning the science of vibrational medicine and healing.  

She is currently writing an awakening book called The Truth Is that she will have competed this year.